About the Author

My name is Darrel Dillon I have been an avid reader since childhood, a fan of authors such as Edgar Rice Burroughs, Michael Crichton, Clive Cussler, and Frank Herbert. I grew up in Syracuse, New York in the ’50s and ’60s. In the early sixties, I learned how to play the drums and went on to play in a band called “The Sharks.” I wanted to use my talent in the church, but until the advent of “Worship Teams,” I had no opportunity. But now that the church has discovered that rhythm is a critical element of God’s creation technique, what’s good for God is also good for man. So I now play for Him, and the beat remains the same.

I joined the Navy in 1966 and served ten years of active duty on three Destroyers with four, six-month tours of duty in the South China Sea during the Viet Nam war. I left the Navy as a GMT1 with two good conduct awards. My primary responsibility was as an ASROC technician or, for civilians, an antisubmarine rocket weapons system specialist. I’ve been on the bridge of a Navy Warship during the war and used a rocket launcher control panel to fire real rockets. I’ve spent many hours looking for bogeys and skunks. I’ve monitored radar and sonar scopes. I’ve observed a meteor fly over the ship in the night sky and watched shrapnel rain down on my Navy warship in front of my eye. So in these matters, I know “of which I speak.”

I am currently retired from my computer repair business and live in Caldwell, Idaho. Besides writing, drumming and repairing friend’s computers, I enjoy doing genealogical research in my spare time.