DTRIS Synopsis

The DTRIS File is an allegorical, Sci-Fi mystery adventure that takes place mostly in the near future. It is a story about multiple peoples, planets, galaxies and dark matter portals, in a universe involved in an interplanetary conflict – a conflict of good versus evil. You’ll be taken back into Earth history – from around 390 B.C. through to 2022 A.D. You will find out how and why the Great Library at Alexandra was burned. Not only will you meet historical people like Paul and Barnabas of the Bible; you will also meet people and creatures from other planets, like the Nobel, who are looking for DNA and genealogy records on earth, and the Sangar, a Nation State searching for a new homeworld under the manipulation of the Evil One, VorCaveat.

One of the main characters is Navy veteran David Mark, originally from Syracuse, NY, now living in Bellingham, WA. Dave is disillusioned with life and meets a man, Lieutenant Commander Lewis Chester, who is an alien clone, but Dave does not know this. The Commander helps Dave escape Earth without Dave’s knowledge of such an event occurring. Dave is unsure of what he believes regarding good and evil, but his adventures will be his proving ground.

Before Dave left Earth, in April of 2020, he had a “Davidson Thought Recorder Implant System” (DTRIS nanotech device) implanted into his brain to allow him to record and playback everything his senses detected including sound, sight, thought and dreams. The U.S. government was said to be a sponsor of this device but this, as it turns out, is not the case. Sangarian comets, launched from space, destroy the planet not long after Dave leaves Earth.

There are many alien species that Dave meets or hears about in his travels throughout the universe. They include:

Dank Somber: Nobel – a good, bad guy, who helps Mary Beth, a tough, independent woman, escape Earth while the Nobel is pursuing her from the secret Nobel underground complex off the coast of British Columbia.
Tarsos: Nobel – Head of the Nobel Supreme Council (NSC), a modern Nobel man – (stylized human form with caricature-like facial appearance). You may or may not like this guy.
Captain Tango: Nobel – a good guy; (a traditional Nobel “kangaroo man”), over 600 years old, a Nobel Supreme Council Member – one of the few Nobel that has not undergone all Nobel immortality procedures (artificial bodies except for the brain)
Si: An intelligent android with a direct link to the mysterious Logos Station.
Vizier Lamor: Nobel – a good guy, but not who or what he seems to be.
Wendy: Rickolian, an alien in which David falls in love.
Isfael: Sangar – a good guy, a member of a small group of patriots who still trusts the old ways and are willing to risk their lives to find a solution to VorCaveat. Isfael arrived in Egypt in 240 B.C. He died in Gettysburg, PA, in 1889 at an ancient age. It all started with Isfael

In early May of 2021, the DTRIS was removed from Dave by a Rickolian doctor named Cacidy and a mutual friend of Wendy. The DTRIS is now delivered to Logos Station where Dave’s twin sister, Darla, (mysteriously saved from Earth), is called upon by other-worldly beings to transcribe the DTRIS. Except for third party information supplied by records stored on Logos Station, Dave’s story unfolds as Darla watches Dave’s every adventure through a unique portal. She can hear and see everything as he traveled, getting to know various alien characters as he knew them.

…and what were the powers in Washington thinking about during the initial worldwide rain situation…? Well, there were rumors of Weather Warfare and concern about certain countries threatening nuclear war…, but frankly, they were mostly clueless, at least that’s what White House talking points indicated.

The DTRIS File, “Timelines,” is the first book in what is tentatively scheduled to be a trilogy. Book One, “shows us how and why we got here. Book two, “Open Conflict,” this is where most of the conflict starts and culminates. Book three, “Search for Truth” returns the story to the beginning on New Earth and into unknown lands.