Synopsis of DTRIS Characters & Cultures

Dank Somber: a rogue and rebel with an agenda, the good bad guy
Emperor Molar: someone you probably shouldn’t know, another good bad guy
Dave: someone you use to know, the lost good guy
Tango: someone you want to know, the good guy
Tarsos: someone you might not want to know, the intellectual
VorCaveat: someone you don’t want to know, the bad guy
Vizier Lamor: someone that’s impossible not to know
Wendy: someone you would like to know, the lost good girl
Mary Beth: she needs to know someone, the tough good girl
Loza: someone you should know, the no nonsense girl
Jenni: someone else you should know, the good friendly girl
Sarah: someone you might know, the good hard luck girl
Darla: someone you probably know, the smart sneaky girl
Si: someone you have to know, the guy who can save your butt
Lewis: someone nobody really knows
Helmet: someone everyone wants to know, a good guy
Cacidy: someone you better know, the good guy
Freen: the fruitless bad guy
Jemalo: someone who gets around and knows people, a good guy
Lacy: the I know what I’m doing good girl
Melanie: someone you could do without
Admiral Serio: the bad Admiral
Admiral Borsh: the good Admiral
VorLambre: the verdict is still out on this guy
Shantana: the bad girl

The Horman: a culture that has gone off the deep end
The Earing: a culture of wannabes
The Nobel: a culture too smart for their own good
The Solan: the good guys
The Sangar: the bad guys
The Ictol: the good bad guys
The Orzanians: the super bad guys

…and unbelievably, there are more good and bad characters but you’ll have to read the DTRIS to find out.

Main Characters by order of importance:

Mark, David (Dave): Bellingham, WA, Earth, Darla’s twin brother, can be rude but not on purpose; delights in sarcasm and straight forward to a fault; persistent, faithful, always asking questions; carried the DTRIS File in his head for a year before it was removed by the Narson, Cacidy, but only after Dave decided to jump into a Healing Well in Search of the kidnapped Wendy. Dave’s not stupid or a genius, not a very good fighter but he doesn’t give up.

Mark, Darla: Syracuse, New York, Earth (Dave’s twin sister) a well educated, modern city woman who has found a new way to relate to her brother and champion a new cause; translator and writer of the DTRIS file on Logos Station; very skeptical when it comes to spiritual matters; somewhat self centered and sneaky, but it’s mostly a show for her modern-day contacts but of little value on Logos Station. She’s never this way with her friend Jenny.

The Advocate: Presently operating out of Logos Station; AKA “Assembly Head”, “Braken Borse”; addressed as “the Advocate” by mortals; intimate and one with the Source; has a face of light that is adaptable for mortal viewing; in His material stylized form wears a dark blue robe over a deep blue sapphire harness and belt. He manages the physical universe. He is the Innkeeper of Innkeepers, the Lord of Lords, and the King of Kings; someone you want to know.

Si: In Cannan; Intelant (intelligent android); from Logos Station; commissioned by the Advocate to liaison with Tango. Dave Mark gave the name “Si” to the purple jump suit clad Intelant on Cannan; He has two normal size arms and legs. His face has a stone like appearance, his mouth and eyes only appear when he uses them. He is equipped with special weapons and abilities and is off-limits to VorCaveat.

VorCaveat: Known as Lurakus by his fellow Madovai; this character asked to remain anonymous but I should mention that he is also known by many names including, “author of Confusion”, “the Deceiver”, “the Fallen One”, “the Evil One”… and names that shouldn’t be mentioned. You get the point. He attempts to thwart the Source’s plan; once part of Braken Borse’s Assembly, he revolted against the Source and was cast into the space/time arena; spends his time devising schemes to lengthen his own immortality by obstructing and obfuscating the Source’s creation process; rumored to have competing Madovai in other galaxies; changes form to disguise appearance. VorCaveat is presently focused on the subversion of the once great Sangar Empire. He is a nasty, unscrupulous entity, the trickster of tricksters; beware of him and his fellow Madovai. Avoid them at all cost, not someone you want to know.

Tango, Captain: A Nobel; widowed; lives in Text Keeper Valley, Cannan; Nobel Supreme Council Member; lives at the base of the south high planes escapement with daughter Lacy; sometimes wears a red and black checkered shawl to keep warm and dark brown canvas coat with many pockets; born on Gragon serious but does not take himself too seriously; traditionalist; does not look like the Nobel people of this era, his appearance is like the original Nobel kangaroo-man – looks like a kangaroo on a diet, 6 feet tall, large brown eyes, has spindly fingers, large feet, short stubby legs and thick tail, head is balding and his body is covered with fading short thick brown fur; has a habit of holding and stroking his tail and getting food on his face; age over 500 years and is the oldest living original Nobel. Tango is the kind of friend everyone wants and needs. His experience and wisdom make up for his old bones. Once had a romantic relationship with Loza; he appreciates and understands Tarsos but doesn’t like his condescending attitude.

Lamor, Vizier: Nobel; father of Nobel/Ictol truce treaty; resembles a poor imitation of a scarecrow (scombo); likes the novelty of having long spiky hair and plays with it; kills the Sangar SIM, Rakon, and with the help of Tamon destroys the Sangar base on Plaktus; is in reality an undercover double agent and Emperor Molar’s most senior  Vizier. Those who cross Lamor will forever regret it.

Dank Somber: Nobel; dark complexion, blue eyes, muscular build; prefers black coat, pants and boots; wears a concealed hand gun shoulder harness; proprietor of Boktoz’s Bizaar and Outland Travel Est.; makes his living by trading illegal surplus parts, information and ETW (Electromagnetic Transmission Waves); has many personal contacts across the galaxy; knows the location of three unreported dark matter Transfer Portals. Dank is a likable fellow but has a dark side. His knowledge and contacts keep Emperor Molar from sending him to the Penal colony. He breaks laws but is fair and just, not someone to mess with. His only companions are female androids that he stole from the Mixer galaxy.

Tarsos: Nobel; widowed from first wife; lives in Text Keeper Valley Complex, Cannan; head of Text Keeper Complex and the Head of the Nobel Supreme Council; a modern Nobel man (stylized human-like form with caricature-like appearance); age over 300 years; considered the most articulate, intellectual and capable of the Council members; married Loza to help raise his daughter Sarah. Highly intelligent, resourceful, tolerates Tango. Is known to drink Vesper, a pleasant smelling but exceedingly dry toxic drink mixed with cherry like flavoring that evaporates if left unattended for too long (a few minutes). One sip is lethal except for those from Regon, a small highland community on the northern most continent of the Nobel planet Gragon now covered in ice.

Wendy: Home world Rickol; birth city Caldonia (south of OZZ); onboard Nobel SS Priaden w/Lewis; height 5’2”, fair skinned with a controllable high pitched voice, an oval face, long red hair, a dainty mouth and chin, large blue wide set eyes separated by a long nose bridge and pointy ears that stick straight up from the top of her head (Very good hearing); initially becomes attracted to Dave because of his honesty and humor; recovered survivor of supposed Ictol (Sangar) attack, was playing a game called hide and seek at the time her mother found and concealed her from Sangar attackers. She is childlike, polite and inquisitive but it is time for her to grow up. She has reached the season of secretion, the age when female Rickolians must find a mate.

Sorro, Mary Beth: From Tarzana, CA, Earth; born and graduated from college in Gettysburg, PA; keeper of her great great great grandfather (Isfael)’s wooden hope chest and artifacts; dark green eyes, slender build; prefers leather clothes; displays strong leadership skills; a serious, independent woman but deep down wants to get married and have a family; hangs around with Dave, Tango and has a personal relationship with the Horman, Master Frioc.

Helmet, Master: From underground Cannan, a Horman, on stolen Ictol ship with 6 Horman; tall and lean with angular body features, considered less than average height at 6’ 3”, large jaw; he wears a one-piece uniform complete with attached hood; he has no hair and his arms and legs are disproportionately long for his torso, a no-nonsense strong leader who you would want on your side in a fight.